STEAM Education and Leadership | All Star Imagination

Let’s Work Together to Create Your Perfect Strategy

Our organization believes in the power of steam education and our mission is to encourage young people to explore and pursue their passions in this field. We understand that learning is a lifetime pursuit and offer a wide range of programs that cater to different age groups and interests.

Our speaking series brings together professionals from various areas of STEAM to share their experiences and insights with our audience. Through mentorship, we provide our youth with guidance, opportunities, and access to resources that they may not have otherwise. Our emerging technology programs keep our participants up-to-date with the latest industry developments and trends. After-school programs provide a safe and nurturing environment for students to learn about technology, engineering, and science.

Our comprehensive approach to steam education sparks curiosity, encourages critical thinking, and provides hands-on experiences. By cultivating these skills, our young people become better equipped to tackle the challenges of the future.

Talking to students about STEAM is the first step in generating interest. A-SI creates awareness by bringing in STEAM professionals to speak in classrooms. Speakers will lead students in hands-on STEAM activities and discussion to increase excitement and interest.

Emerging technologies of today span many different categories and STEAM fields of study including but not limited to Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Physics . A large portion of the program focus’s on a number of advancements in renewable energy generation and storage technology. Other central topics for emerging technologies are driven by the Bitcoin innovation being the first trust-less, decentralized, immutable, ledger and its many ways to integrate innovative ways to increase efficiency in existing processes. Additionally, this program incorporates the usage of principles and strategies used to analyze financial decision making including the study of the characteristics of assets that are useful in comparing and contrasting. STEM ideas are incorporated in many aspects such as the planing and execution of new innovative ways to repurpose waste heat directed towards the heating of residential housing, gardens, clothes drying, meat dehydration, pool heating, radiant heating, etc.

The Imagineers After School Clubs will enable students to pursue their particular STEAM areas of interest in greater depth. Each club will focus on a specific fields within STEAM, such as biology, art, or engineering. Students will gain a sense of what it is like to choose a major when they go to college. As with the After School Program, the Imagineers will partner with after school providers by supplying the curricula and adult supervision. In addition, STEAM professionals will provide mentoring to offer guidance and serve as role models.

Students will develop a greater appreciation and understanding of the various STEAM disciplines by DOING STEAM through hands-on, problem-based learning activities. Geeks Rule will partner with afterschool providers (schools, YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, PALs, etc) to set up an afterschool program on-site that focuses on a variety of STEAM fields across the school year. Geeks Rule will provide the curriculum and daily activity plans, enough content to provide students with two days per week of afterschool programming.

Our programs increase the participation of students from underserved schools in STEAM education by addressing several of the key factors that limit such participation.

Some of those factors include:


Our programs help boost academic performance, build confidence and self-esteem. They also provide a safe and structured environment for children.

They are open to children in grades K–12. All programs are developed by a team of experts. And are also overseen by trained professionals to accommodate all ages and abilities


If you are a young person interested in STEM, we invite you to participate in one of our programs. Our programs are designed to provide hands-on experiences and explore STEM in a fun and engaging way.


As an advocate for STEM education, you can help spread the word about the importance of STEM and the impact it can have on the future of our world. Share information about our organization and our mission, and encourage others to get involved.